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Wifi.id Manage Service

Wifi Manage Service is a standard business scheme where customers pay a certain amount for wifi service with a special SSID along with a certain bandwidth and can choose an additional number of benefits (VAS) according to the selected package.

Wifi Managed Service (WMS)

Package WMS: Wifi Manage Service

Best Seller



/ Month / AP

Package Silver

  • Package 20 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 2 BASIC Additional Services



/ Month / AP

Package Gold

  • Package 50 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 3 BASIC Additional Services



/ Month / AP

Package Platinum

  • Package 100 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 4 BASIC Additional Services

Wifi Station (WISTA)

Wifi Station or WISTA is a wifi.id internet service for business people and owners of a location that requires internet service through a special wifi name (SSID) & a certain speed along with additional service benefits to support their business. Suitable for business actors, various government agencies, and education. Download the app now to subscribe

Wista : Wifi Station


Package WISTA : Wifi Station

Best Seller



/ Month

Package Silver

  • Package 20 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 2 BASIC Additional Services



/ Month

Package Gold

  • Package 50 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 3 BASIC Additional Services



/ Month

Package Platinum

  • Package 100 Mbps
  • Unlimited Quota
  • 4 BASIC Additional Services


MyWifiStation is a wifi.id internet service for business people and owners of a location who need internet service through a special wifi name (SSID) and a certain speed along with the benefits of additional services to support their business. Suitable for business people, various government agencies, and education.

Download the app now to subscribe!

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Icon cara bayar

Wifi Community

Community Wifi.id is an internet access service for communities inside and outside the community area/location by using their community member ID as a login ID on a special community SSID and or SSID @wifi.id throughout Indonesia. It is suitable for those of you who manage organizations, corporations, and communities such as educational institutions or lifestyle communities who want to provide great internet access for all their members. Login ID is given in the form of a voucher containing a user and password when logging in to the internet.


  • The login ID or Voucher is self-managed by the community.
  • Login ID is single login valid for 1 person or cannot be used simultaneously with more than 1 person.
  • Community members can connect to the community-specific SSID and @wifi.id SSID throughout Indonesia.
  • There are 3 speed options namely 20 Mbps, 50 Mbps, and 100Mbps

Wifi Komunitas : Layanan untuk Semuanya

Community Wifi Service Rates - Time Based

Komunitas timebase
Range of the number of community members registered at @wifi.idUser rates/monthUser/semester ratesUser rates/year
20 - 99Rp 35.000Rp 190.000Rp 360.000
100 - 999Rp 30.000Rp 160.000Rp 300.000
1.000 - 4.999Rp 25.000Rp 130.000Rp 240.000
> 4.999Rp 20.000Rp 100.000Rp 180.000

Community Wifi Service Rates - Volume Based

Komunitas volumebase
Community PlanRates per plan
Paket 100 GBRp 360.000
Paket 300 GBRp 1.050.000
Paket 500 GBRp 1.750.000
Paket 700 GBRp 2.400.000
Paket 1.000 GBRp 3.400.000
Paket 1.500 GBRp 5.000.000
Paket 2.000 GBRp 6.700.000
  • One Time Charge (OTC);
  • The quota is valid according to the contract period;
  • Customers manage their own volume quota and validity period of each voucher generated.

Wifi VPN (LAN over Wifi)

A wifi service solution that is integrated with the corporate customer intranet.

Provides an internet and intranet access experience that can be done in the same access network.

Internet and integrated intranet, secure system and increase usage value.

Call 147 for subscription and further service information.

Wifi VPN (LAN over Wifi)

Other Wifi Services for Business

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Wifi.id Offloading

Telkom's Wifi internet service for OLO (Other License Operator) customers that allows cellular users to switch connections from cellular networks (2G, 3G, 4G) to Wifi networks or vice versa automatically (seamless).

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Wifi Inbound International Roaming

Wifi internet service in public areas for community customers with providers from abroad who are traveling to Indonesia without having to buy another wifi voucher.



MyCarrier is an application for wholesale customers and prospective customers provided by Telkom Indonesia to ensure you have an extraordinary digital experience with Telkom in exploring solutions, making new service requests, creating problem tickets, and monitoring your services with a responsive response. faster and continuous updates.

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