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Partnership Services from Wifi.id


Partners (venue owners) are Business Entities / Legal Entities / Micro Enterprises that act in terms of location provision, distribution, and sale of vouchers wifi.id WiCo 2.0: Internet cafes today!

WiCo 2.0: Wifi Corner, warnet zaman now

WICO 2.0: Internet Cafe Today!

Wico 2.0 is a wifi.id internet service for the public in certain locations organized by Telkom in collaboration with Business Entities / Legal Entities / Micro Businesses who act as Telkom partners in terms of providing locations, distribution, and sales of wifi.id vouchers

Wifi Name / SSID<wifi name>@wifi.id or <wifi name>
SpeedUp to 100 Mbps
Cooperation FeeRp. 500.000,00 per AP (compensated 204 vouchers per AP)
Price per voucherRp. 3,500.00 (includes VAT), package duration 2 hours
Cooperation SchemeProfit sharing scheme with Telkom with customers through a discount pattern when adding/top up quota vouchers
- 30% discount : top up voucher balance 1-500 in 1 month per AP
- 50% discount : top up voucher balance > 501 in 1 month per AP
kemitraan_wico_table_1230 days from the date of the last top up voucher balance


MyWiCo is a wifi.id internet service with speeds of up to 100 Mbps for the public in certain locations organized by Telkom and in collaboration with Business Entities/Legal Entities/Micro-Businesses who act as partners (venue owners) in terms of providing location, distribution, and sale of vouchers wifi.id.WiCo 2.0:Warnet today!

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